Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix (FIUVV) by Dr.Amira shawky - ultrascan center
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Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix (FIUVV) by Dr.Amira shawky

Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix (FIUVV) is uncommon (0.4–1.1/1000 fetuses),characterized by focal dilation of the umbilical vein from its entry in the abdominal wall to the portal system.

The diameter of umbilical vein increases linearly with gestational age,and the diagnosis is made when the diameter of umbilical vein exceeds two standard deviations for the gestation age. Other diagnostic criteria are the diameter of umbilical vein diameter >9 mm at term gestation, >1.5 times its intrahepatic portion, or >50% of its nondilated portion….Diameters of varix, a presence of turbulent flow and thrombosis, associated fetal anomalies, and growth parameters influence the outcome of the fetus.

FIUVV is associated with fetal aneuploidy

(trisomy 9, 18, and 21) (up to 6.3%) and multiple malformations (up to 35.3%)….Cardiovascular and urogenital malformations are commonly associated abnormalities. Its clinical impact depends on gestational age at detection, associated malformations, and flow characteristics in varix. The early appearance of varix (before 26 weeks) needs close monitoring for growth and flow abnormalities and is associated with significant risk of adverse outcome.

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‫2 تعليقات

  1. الحقيقة عاجزة عن شكر حضرتك و مجهود حضرتك معانا و الفيديوهات التعليمية هى اللى بتحفزنا و تخلينا نحاول و نبحث و نقرأ فالف شكر لحضرتك استاذنا د هيثم

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